Overview of lunar environment, relevant terms and missions.
Incorporates observations from past and current lunar missions, creating a comprehensive lunar research Web portal
Database of current, past, and planned lunar missions
Kevin Cannon Lunar Mining and Landing Sites
Collection of resources and tools related to lunar sites of interest
Moon 101 Lecture Series (NASA JSC)
A course in lunar science for non-experts
Lunar Sourcebook: A User’s Guide to the Moon
The Lunar Sourcebook, a concisely presented collection of data gathered during the American and Soviet missions, is an accessible and complete one-volume reference encyclopedia of scientific and technical information about the Moon. This book provides a thorough introduction to lunar studies and a summary of information about the nature of the lunar environment. It explores the formation and evolution of the Moon's surface, the chemical and mineralogical nature of lunar rocks and soils, and scientific knowledge about the nature, origin, and history of the Moon.
Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) online library
Library of digitized books covering various topics mostly focused on lunar science.
National Space Society online library
Comprehensive set of online resources focused on space settlement.
Anthology of papers that addresses the many issues that surround the permanent human return to the Moon.